What's New in Garage Hive - September '19 Roundup
September was an exciting month for the Garage Hive team, as well as lots of development including the introduction of the customer survey and NPS® feature we also had The Blend conference in Nottingham which was a great success.
View what’s new in the Garage Hive product here.
1. Added Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score and Survey feature;
✔ Automated SMS/Email feedback requests;
✔ New detailed Power BI reports;
✔ Live customer insights from any document;
✔ Access to previous feedbacks from any document;
✔ Ability to review and action all feedback received.
More Information available here – Click here
2. Added the ability to add paragraphs to email reminders and booking confirmations;
3. Added the ability to display tyre label information on documents;
4. Added the ability to set estimate reminders and added estimates upcoming & overdue tiles;

5. Added the ability to add extended descriptions to items in all documents;
6. Order numbers can now be made mandatory for specific customers;
7. Made significant improvements to the Factbox;

8. Added the ability to countersign Vehicle Inspections;
9. Added the ability to adjust the VAT amount on a purchase invoice for 1 pence discrepancies;
10. Added the ability to view the Net and Gross amounts of a job sheet from the list view;
11. Added the ability to search Autodata repair times using Engine codes.
+ Much More
Full documentation can be viewed here – https://docs.garagehive.co.uk/docs/garagehive-whats-new.html
Look out for our next release at the end of October.
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