What's New in Garage Hive - May '19 Roundup
The detailed release notes can be viewed here
Here is a quick list of some of the features we introduced in May
1. Xero API Integration and Quickbooks data export are now available.

2. Create Service Financial controller role centre, combining features from the Accountancy and Service Advisor role centres.

3. Added ability to copy grouped items and compressed service packages from VHCs and Estimates to Jobsheets.
4. Added fuel information to document FactBox.

5. Added ability to copy comments to work description.

6. Mileage now transfers from jobsheets, to inspection & VHCs.
7. Added ability to search by Make/Model/Engine code in Autodata Preview.
8. Added a “stockout warning” to documents, warning users of potential stock issues.

9. Added stock control and requisition worksheet – Video
Stock re-order points on an item number
Generate a stock requirement report
Auto-creation of purchase orders
Considers future & current bookings
Considers items already on order
10. Extended SMS capacity to 900 characters.
11. Added a “refund” option to return jobsheets.
12. Added “Price Calculator” to Estimates.

13. Added Customer GDPR Preferences to vehicle lists for data export.
14. Added the ability for technicians to access the schedule via easy clocking if required.
15. Introduced a warning for technicians when they attempt to clock off a jobsheet without all item/labour lines being confirmed by the technician Video

16. Added Vendor Columns to item lines of VHCs and Estimates, this information will copy to the Jobsheet.
17. Added a new method of applying payments to customers – Register Customer Payments – Video

18. Added the ability to attach documents such as PDFs to the following;
- Job sheets
- Return Job sheets
- Estimates
- VHCs
- Posted Job sheets
- Posted Return Job sheets
- Archived Job sheets
- Archived Estimates
- Archived VHCs

19. Improved the send SMS interface.
20. Added an option to remove the booking time from the customer notification booking reminders.
21. Created a new role centre for Multi-location companies with additional multi-location features
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