Vehicle Inspection Quality Score - A new KPI that will impact customer satisfaction and gross profit
Garage Hive has introduced the ability to internally score the quality of a vehicle inspection from a technician. Vehicle inspections & vehicle health checks can have a very positive impact on both the customer experience and garage average invoice values if done to a high standard. However, big problems can arise when the quality of the vehicle inspections are poor or information is missing.
The new vehicle inspection quality score KPI can be used to monitor vehicle inspections and target training towards specific technicians that aren’t performing as expected.
To find out how it works, watch the video below.
Scoring a vehicle inspection is simple – once the technician has completed the inspection, it is recommended that you score the technician before confirming the vehicle inspection and creating an estimate. You can find the Internal Quality Score in the details section of the vehicle inspection.

All of the data is available to analyse in our Power BI App. Analyse technician vehicle inspection quality scores over a period of time and how many inspections are being performed. You can also filter this data by the types of vehicle inspections available to the technicians, such as service inspections or vehicle health checks.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback in our community forums.
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